Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Those darn mosquitoes...

I hate mosquitoes. In fact, I don't know a single person who doesn't. To me, they serve no other purpose than to inflict pain (in the form of intense itching especially when you're allergic!) and to spread disease. I almost want to ask the higher power up there, "WHY THE HELL DO MOSQUITOES EXIST??!!"

After getting mosquito bites all my life, and a plethora of other kinds of bug bites, (why do bugs like me so much??), I'm getting really sick of it. Just recently, my roommates and I were watching a movie at night and all of a sudden my right leg started itching. This soon turned into my entire right side turning into an inferno of ITCH. I bet the antihistamine response in my body was going crazy. When I woke up the next morning, I had 4 HUGE, and I mean HUGE (cannot be covered up by anything other than a large gauze pad or multiple bandaids on one spot) red, disgusting rashes. The saddest part was that while that mosquito was having fun drinking up my "tasty" blood, neither of my roommates were even touched! That mosquito hunted me down and decided to have a feast, and apparently only fancied my right side. 

Those bites have healed by now (thank god!) but now that curse has transferred over to both of my feet. Just when I thought the torture would be over, the mosquito strikes again! And this time, my feet looked pretty darn delicious. Now I wake up every night and my feet are burning with the itch and I want to literally tear my feet off. It's that bad. And I have to constantly ice it to make the itching feeling not so apparent. But once I take off the ice, it's back to the inferno. 

So, I decided, what the heck, there must be some reason why mosquitoes like me so much and why I get super bad reactions. I did some research online and I guess I'm part of the 10% of the population that can be labeled as a "mosquito magnet." Well, f my life. AND, just to make it a bit more fun, I probably have allergic reactions to the mosquitoes saliva which causes the huge rashes and extreme itchiness. 

The even sadder thing is that there is really nothing I can do about it. Mosquitoes just like my scent, and unless I mask my scent everyday with large volumes of DEET (which I heard is not good to put on all the time), I'm the prime target for mosquito attack. 

Long story short, I hate mosquitoes. They should all go die and save the mosquito magnets like me from suffering a blazing fire wherever they decide to have their feast. 

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